DevFestonlineforUkraineCharitable Tech Conference
Learn from speakers that shape the future of Android, Web and AI.
DevFest is over. Thank you for joining the cause!
Every day millions of Ukrainians fight for their lives because of Russian invasion
Volunteers, individuals and organizations combine their efforts to provide support, give shelter to refugees and raise funds for those in need.
Uniting the global tech community to support Ukraine
Google Developer Groups in Ukraine came together to organize DevFest for Ukraine — a global online tech conference to share a passion for technology with international community and raise funds for Ukraine.
Our goal was to raise $0K
This roughly equals to 1000 medical kits, 400 body armours, or 74 tons of humanitarian aid, that could save thousands of Ukrainians' lives.
All funds raised during the event will be split between 3 Non-Governmental Organizations & Humanitarian funds that we are collaborating with:
$0 / $0
* includes individual and partners' donations

Mykhailo Fedorov
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Carl Miller
Co-founder, CASM Technology. Research Director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, Demos

Florina Muntenescu
Android Developer Relations Engineer, Jetpack Compose @ Google

Chet Haase
Android Graphics Engineer @ Google, Book Author

Romain Guy
Engineering Director, Android Toolkit Team @ Google

Thomas Steiner
Web Developer Relations Engineer @ Google

Yonatan Levin
Builder @ monday.com, Founder of Android Academy

Nikita Namjoshi
Google Cloud Developer Advocate @ Google

Nick Butcher
Android Developer Relations Engineer, Jetpack Compose @ Google

Una Kravets
Web Developer Advocate @ Google

Toby Walsh
Laureate Fellow @ UNSW

Roman Shevchuk
Frontend Team Lead @ Wix

Robert Crowe
TensorFlow Developer Engineer @ Google

Yigit Boyar
Senior Staff Software Engineer, Android Toolkit Team @ Google

Josh Gordon
Staff Developer Advocate for Open-source ML @ Google

Jhey Tompkins
Developer Relations Engineer @ Google

Jason Mayes
Senior Developer Advocate Lead @ Google for TensorFlow.js

Filip Hráček
Founder @ Raindead

Illia Rodin
Chief Solutions Architect @ Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Chris Albon
Director of Machine Learning @ Wikimedia Foundation

Rachel Andrew
Technical writer @ Google

Rajiv Shah
Machine Learning Solutions Engineer @ Hugging Face 🤗
Showing time in
14 June
15 June
DevFest is over.
Together we raised $130K for three NGOs in Ukraine
While DevFest is over Russian aggresion in Ukraine continues. As a next step, see our report on the use of funds, check the session recordings, and consider donating to continue supporting Ukrainian people.
Together we win 🇺🇦
These wonderful organizations donated above and beyond to help us reach our donation goals
Want to join us in our mission?
Drop us a message and we will provide more information about sponsorship.

GDG Ukraine is a proud organizer of DevFest for Ukraine.
What is GDG?
Google Developers Group (GDG) is where developers of all levels, interests, and background meet to learn new skills and share passion for technology.
GDG Ukraine provides opportunities to learn and grow, meet fellow developers and other people in tech, and stay in touch with the local tech community.
Our mission is to provide an inclusive environment where everyone and anyone interested in tech — from beginner developers to experienced professionals — will get an opportunity for personal and professional growth.